Accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English in the UK

Europa School of English is accredited by Accreditation UK the British Council’s quality assurance scheme for language schools. The scheme gives an assurance of quality to international students who are taking or are planning to take an English language course in the UK. The Accreditation Scheme assesses the standards of management, resources and premises, teaching, welfare, and care of under 18s and accredits organisations which meet the overall standard in each area inspected.
The British Council inspected and accredited Europa School of English (Year Round) in August 2019. The inspection report stated that the organisation met the standards of the Scheme. Strengths were noted in the area of leisure opportunities and safeguarding under 18s. Please see here for the full report.
The British Council inspected (spot inspection) and accredited Europa School of English (Junior Centres) in April 2019. The inspection report stated that the organisation met the standards of the Scheme. Strengths were noted in the areas of quality assurance and care of students. Please see here for the full report.

English UK
English UK is the national association of accredited English language centres and the world's leading language teaching association. They are UK-registered with the key aim of advancing the education of international students in the English language. All English UK members are accredited by the British Council.
English UK South
English UK South is a group of English language schools in the South of England accredited by the British Council and members of English UK. This group of schools based in Hampshire and Dorset are committed to providing high quality language holiday experiences for our clients.